A Moron's Republic
Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. No not really. I’ve recently been career-focused these past weeks and something had to give. I enjoy writing and talking with you guys, and I’ll always be at least somewhat active, but the truth is - look, Covid doesn’t really dominate outside of the Northeast/Left Coast and a few other compromised blue states. So I was working on my career, traveled a bit, and enjoyed myself. And guess what - I didn’t get sick!
This will be my last substack of the year, possibly for quite a while. We’ve talked about a lot of good things and got to the root cause of the Covid hysteria. Even though virus gonna virus and uniparty gonna uniparty, I know that we’re winning. I could talk about why vaccine mandates/passports are a joke, why Covid has been used as the biggest late-stage tyrannical powergrab in human history, or why DeSantis is going to win 45 states in 2024 (some of you took that tweet a lllliiittttttllleee too seriously). But I won’t. That’s not what this is about. In the past I mentioned how flawed Western Liberalism is - that’s not something you’ll hear in “conservative” media (they’re not actually conserving anything). I mentioned how this is the logical progression of Western Liberalism - that wokeism is a symptom, not the root; (part of) the root being: the institutions are full of activist demagogues who pretty much just literally want your kids, bro. I didn’t mention Democracy, though, and why Democracy is essentially state enforced coping.
I’m sure you’ve seen The Bell Curve. Here’s a little meme I made:
Let’s first start with the brainlet on the left side. His IQ is probably 70, and I’m grading on a curve here (literally). He probably lives in West Virginia, brushes his teeth with Mountain Dew, unironically thinks Trump is a Savant, drives a 1984 Ford F-150; his job at the factory got outsourced a long time ago, and he probably ended up at the Qapitol. He has absolutely zero academic intelligence, refuses to look things up, but goddammit he can wire a house, unclog a drain, and change a tire in under a minute. Handy guy to have around the neighborhood. Owns a 12 gauge and knows everything about it. Big 2A guy. Has a problem with alcohol. He probably watches FOX News, OANN, Newsmax, or our Lord and Savior Alex Jones, and thinks the government is full of 5G alien lizard pedophiles. He votes, only in national elections, and definitely Republican.
Next we have the guy on the right. His IQ is probably 140. He went to college but didn’t have to try to get a 4.0, built and sold a business by age 21, held BTC since 2010, and travels between Florida, the Maldives, Monte Carlo, and the Bahamas - holding properties on each. He doesn’t have a “real job” but somehow pulls over 7 figures a year through leveraging the Internet, or he’s building the next Tesla. Due to his immense wealth, he has some political connections, and looks down on all of them - knowing they are nothing more than a glorified customer service department. He regularly commits tax fraud, legally, of course. He doesn’t really vote all that much, but when he does, it’s more to get back at whichever politician pisses him off the most.
Lastly we have the guy in the middle, as some of us like to call “The Midwit.” Also known as “The Normie” or “NPC.” His IQ is probably 100, he grew up just rich enough but not “high IQ rich” in Manhattan or California or some suburb, family took vacations whenever and wherever. He went to a liberal arts private school in the Northeast, and despite knowing a total of 1 black person, is a champion on race relations. He probably works in the media, or regularly unironically watches CNN, MSNBC, etc, but thinks FOX is a threat to Democracy. He has never had a “real” struggle in life and grew up far too easy with everything handed to him, so he’s never had to critically think about what he’s being told. Doesn’t build anything or take any real risks in life, just kinda exists and takes up space. Fun guy to be around for the most part, but he can’t shut up about the most menial facts about the New York Giants, which lowkey pisses everyone off. He thought Trump was the stupidest person alive, while he also simultaneously thought Trump had a super secret master plan to collude with the Russians and steal the 2020 election. Fauci is his favorite person ever, and he’s already on his 7th booster shot. Has worn two masks in the shower at least once. Is “establishment left” but isn’t completely “left wing” although these people are more or less the same in many ways. Is woke. Very liberal. Votes Blue No Matter Who!
Re-read that a few times if you need to, and look at the chart as much as you have to before you continue reading.
Alright. The idiot and the genius believe the same thing, but have wildly different ways of getting there.
*95% of a given population has an IQ between 70-130.
Notice: Only 16% of the population is low IQ. Conversely, only 16% is high IQ. Add those two together and you get 32% (duh), which is about 1/3 of a given population.
The midwit. 34% have a lower IQ between (roughly) 80-100, and another 34% have an IQ between 100-115. Add those two together and you get 68%, which is just over 2/3 of a given population.
Keep this in mind. Let it sit a little bit. We’re gonna re-visit this later in the article.
You’ve all seen Omicron by now. Or heard about it. Or caught it. I dunno. I’m not a journalist - so I won’t be reporting any “news,” but here’s the gist of it: Covid is a seasonal virus and regardless of the variant, will “spike” in the Northeast in the Winter, and the South in the Summer, with a slight lull between March-May. Waves last roughly 52 days from rise-peak. Masks don’t make a difference, but you can get vaccinated to lower your risk of severe illness. It is also recommended that you get in shape and lose as much fat you can, since it binds to fatty tissue. Talk to your physician, not the news or the government or an anonymous dogg on the internet, about your best course of action.
Fair enough?
Ok. Let’s keep going. The Covid Influencers ran the same play they always do: masks 5ever, testing, schools, events, holidays, 10 booster shots every day, air travel, we’re going back to March 2020 yadayadaydada. I’m not going to link any of these poor salesmen because they’re poor salesmen - the grift isn’t convincing, they don’t have a very good position/offer/pitch/tonality, and look, it’s just not a deal I’d take. If you want it, you know who to look for. The EFD, Slavitt, EpiEllie, Leanna Wu, and others, etc. of the world. They’re just capitalizing on peoples’ anxiety and FUD, and that doesn’t have a place here. Bottom line is they’re just a symptom of why Democracy is ridiculous. Remember, we’re going for the root here.
As I mentioned before, the CovidSquad is comprised of poor salesmen. This is because sales is everything in life. Everything you’ve believed or bought has been sold to you, whether you want to believe it or not. Of course, if you’re like me, you’ve followed your instincts and came to your beliefs or possessions that way, but nonetheless, you’re still getting sold bro.
I’d almost tip my hat to the CovidSquad if they were good at it, because Covid is the most successful sales pitch of all time. Don’t believe me? A lifelong bureaucrat, state governors, and other Western leaders, along with corporations, convinced, campaigned, and sold to the general population that closing public and private life, school, and businesses while only leaving your house in a mask will successfully “flatten the curve” of viral infections over a given amount of time. Did it work? You tell me.
You want to get a little sinister? Technocrats such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Big Pharma, and the World Economic Forum successfully funded, created, and promoted lockdown propaganda as “quirky, hip, trendy, unique, fun” - *insert ridiculous liberal buzzword* to intentionally collapse small businesses and the global economy while making a record amount of profit in an incredibly short amount of time. Think this is a conspiracy theory?
Like I said. The Greatest Sales Pitch of All Time.
But I’m still not done yet.
You want to get even mmmmmmoooorrrreeeee sinister? A country led by communists successfully psyoped the Western world into locking their nations down by producing propaganda that not only showed the virus to be more dangerous than it actually is, but also that literally welding people into their houses works. Doing this controls optics and increases China’s power and influence worldwide - both visibly and subliminally. Simultaneously behind closed doors, the CCP also hid the true severity and spread of the virus - and the origins, too. By using America’s cultural weakness (Wokeism) in their favor, China was largely forgotten about in the grand scheme of things. Despite all of this, you can’t blame them for everything.
This photoshop job is all time.
Last one. I promise.
You want to get even mmmmmmmmooooooooorrrrrreee sinister?
Ok. Lets say you work for the government. Lets say, in the 80s, there’s this new incredibly deadly and mysterious disease emerging in your country. You literally lie about everything, people die, and the only way you save your own ass is by siding with activists. You go under the radar and have a long career. Fast forward to the 2010s. Lets just make believe, here, for a second, that you truly care about stopping pandemics from happening. So, you propose to do really risk research where a team of scientists experiment with a wild virus to make it more deadly/transmissible in hope to vaccinate for it. You propose it, but the White House ends it. Good news though. Presidents change every 4-8 years. So, when there’s a new guy, you take advantage of it, approve the funding for this research through a proxy venture, which this will take place at a BSL-4 Lab in Wuhan, China - specifically designed for a family of viruses called a “coronavirus”. All good, right? Well, China doesn’t have the best security procedures, and this lab has been flagged multiple times in the past. So, during late 2019, China has a very mysterious pneumonia going around, and it becomes a pandemic shortly after. Where did this mysterious virus originate? Wuhan. But it couldn’t be your research, right! You’re the top doctor, and if The Plebs ever found out that their taxpayer dollars resulted in millions of deaths, destruction, and despair, well, history might not look too kindly on you. So, you go on a year(s) long media tour, become a global cult icon, and get the NPCs on your side. When questioned about it, you smear your enemies, lie out of your ass, fearmonger, and change the definition of the very same research you were doing.
Not only is this The Scientific Process at work, so is Democracy!
Socrates. Plato. Aristotle. Three of the biggest skeptics of Greek Democracy. You can get into the grit of it on your own, but the gist is: Democracy is essentially rule by popularity, not wisdom, resulting in a mass of people electing what feels good rather than what is good; because people can be manipulated, voting should be an emotionless skill, where wisdom and logic rule over loyalty and dogma. The result of Democracies is despotism.
In simpler terms: Democracy is a sales pitch.
Who’s the target market for the establishment?
Is it the low IQ guy who never went to college, very blue collar, a bit rough-around-the-edges, relatively “street smart,” low academic intelligence/high practical intelligence, and thinks there’s a lizard plot to take over the world?
No; too stupid to market to.
Is it the high IQ guy building and selling multiple businesses, jet-setting around the world, legally breaking every tax law, can smell the BS from a mile away so he doesn’t waste his time, and genuinely know he’s smarter than them?
No; too smart to market to.
Or, is it the guy who cares about every problem, thinks he’s smart because he’s educated but has less practical intelligence than the idiot and not as much natural intelligence as the genius, enjoys voting, unironically watches the news, is more “submissive” than “daring,” and has some trust in Democracy?
Sounds like a mark.
Now. What’s your position? Remember, position and optics are key in sales.
Hm. If I was selling Democracy, here’s what I’d do:
I live in New York. I want to be in politics. So I go to Yale. Graduate Yale Law. Move back to NY. I know that it’s a blue state. I don’t have a “sound ideology” other than default Western Liberalism, for lack of a better word, so I run as a Democrat. Why? New York’s a blue state. I get elected to the House of Representatives. Build my brand through quick media hits on Uniparty Network TV and Twitter quotes. Pitch unrealistic solutions (that appeal to midwits) about problems like Climate Change!, the Pandemic!, Economic Inequality!, Worker’s Rights!, Taxes!, Saving Democracy!, and Voting Rights! When I get nothing done, I’ll just blame the other half of the Uniparty, run again, and win. I’ll repeat the cycle x amount of times until I’ve made enough money through insider trading and retire at a lakefront home in Florida, but only after I’ve flown on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane 20+ times. If I play my cards right, I might even be President!
That’s what Democracy is, guys. Nothing more than a sleazy sales pitch. It’s why some Presidents and politicians become cultural icons; not because they actually provided value (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt), but because they understood, played, and influenced the game (FDR, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. Literally everybody but the previous 3 I named). All 4 of these Presidents, for a period of their Presidency, were wildly corrupt - and are celebrated for it! FDR essentially invented the Bureaucracy with the New Deal (a jobs program specifically tailored to getting overeducated midwits into public-funded employment), Bill Clinton - well, he flew on Epstein’s plane 27 times, set up banking regulations that would lead to the 2008 crash, and then there’s the Whitewater Development. George WMD Bush lied about Iraq, illegally invading their country which lead to the death of an estimated 1 million Iraqis. Also the Patriot Act. Ronald Reagan, and I’m sure this will get me some heat, well, the Iran Contra affair, CIA dealing coke in the 80s (lead to the Crack Epidemic), the AIDS crisis, etc. Sure he “beat Communism,” but have we really won?
NPCs love Clinton and FDR, Bush is repairing his image (and they’re buying it too), and Reagan is seen as a “good Republican” yadayadayada.
It’s an easy sell when more than 2/3s of your population (remember, 68%), and damn near 100% of your target market, converts.
Here’s a good flowchart as to how information, public opinion, and therefore the vote, is influenced.
There’s an election>The people need information>State creates propaganda as information>The people vote based on the information
The Establishment votes for the Establishment.
Don’t believe me?
![Twitter avatar for @TrumpJew2](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/TrumpJew2.jpg)
We have a continuous rule by an unwise mob. The problem is that unwise mob makes up 68% of our country.
That’s just the natural part of life. It’s why they’ll keep Fellating the State as long as the State tells them what they’d like to hear, while doing absolutely nothing at all.
Omicron is just the latest pitch. Thankfully it didn’t convert, but it won’t stop Moral Busybodies from Moral Busybodying.
Democracy, man. Can’t get much more fair than re-districting, gerrymandering, campaign financing, and letting unelected bureaucrats make up whatever rules they just pulled out of a hat. But at least we don’t live in a dictatorship!
Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.