You've definitely inspired me to go out and buy that Hate Inc. book, so I can see the rest of how mass media has divided the country. I saw this back when BLM first took off, as I felt like the media reporting on Ferguson was largely one-sided in such a way as to convict Darren Wilson in the court of public opinion, because the reality of "Police officer kills criminal who attacked him" wouldn't make catchy headlines.
It really amazes me that the same press that spent the last year making Covid seem like instant death is snow pushing out articles about how people are scared to go back to normal. But, unfortunately, the same people that lapped up the fear porn are probably the same people still reading the news- they want to hear about people (like themselves) who don’t want to go back to normal. The number of people reading/watching the legacy media has likely dropped- most people don’t want 100% fear all the time- but that means the media needs to appeal to their loyal following, so different viewpoints apparently aren’t welcome.
You've definitely inspired me to go out and buy that Hate Inc. book, so I can see the rest of how mass media has divided the country. I saw this back when BLM first took off, as I felt like the media reporting on Ferguson was largely one-sided in such a way as to convict Darren Wilson in the court of public opinion, because the reality of "Police officer kills criminal who attacked him" wouldn't make catchy headlines.
It really amazes me that the same press that spent the last year making Covid seem like instant death is snow pushing out articles about how people are scared to go back to normal. But, unfortunately, the same people that lapped up the fear porn are probably the same people still reading the news- they want to hear about people (like themselves) who don’t want to go back to normal. The number of people reading/watching the legacy media has likely dropped- most people don’t want 100% fear all the time- but that means the media needs to appeal to their loyal following, so different viewpoints apparently aren’t welcome.